Kado Kendo
Hi all..gmn pada atu kabarnya ini?I'm doing great in here..finsihing my last quarter...army juga ud balik dr jepang...trus walau g lg rada sakit and busy with midterms but overall, i'm doing great.
Btw just want to let u guys now..if you guys have time, please check in youtube.com and type "Kado Kendo" and watch the trailer....kado kendo itu is an independent movie yg dibikin ama anak2 IFGF di melbern..It is I think the best independent movie quality so far that is created by indonesian student so far...I just watched the trailer, haven't watch the movie but I feel really proud as an indonesian student....mereka tuh bener2 put all of their effort in it..such a great movie high quality with a great massage about God..
G bener2 kesentuh bgt deh..di seattle juga ud banyak ni yg buat independent movie...tp qualitas nya masi gk bgs bgt si..editing nya, lightningnya and acting nya masi kurang si menurut gw..but it's good that more indonesian student is making movie and reaching out more students out there...gw juga td baru meeting caregroup and we are planning a Caregroup activity yg more interesting and can reach to anak2 baru jaman2 skr..
Since anak2 yg dateng ke sini makin lama makin muda..mereka makin banyak tendency to have short concentration, meaning mereka makin lama makin susah kl di ajak ngomong2 yg lama2..maunya semua serba cepat..since otaknya ud pada kayak gitu..OMG deh..so we have to improve our method in reaching out..hehe...biar isa nyambung ama anak2 muda (I feel old-_-)
Btw...g skr br bikin company lagi tp partneran ama 4 org lain (heru, wella,ryan and army)..this company is called "Only Us travel"..so basically we are a education travel..we help parents and students yg mau travel di US and sekalian liat2 sekolah2 gitu deh..it's a great opportunity juga since kita isa reach out many new people, sekalian gw promosiin callbackhome gw..hehehe..
ya ud mulai cari2 more income...if not, cant pay my own bills disini..masalah dede gw masi gk jelas...hopefully by the end of this month there will be a clear answer....ya I can only pray for now..trus gmn kabarnya papi? I saw the new pics di fs nya papi..lu org br hangout brg ya? so much fun..how did it went?
G kangen ni.moga2 next year isa dapet kerjaa and visa kerja and isa pulang pas xmas holidaynya..sekalian si ko heru and marisa mau married..hehhe...miss indo and u guys so much..
update2 donk ya..ttyl..GBU all
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