Triplek ni....
Hallo lama ya gk tulis blog..sori kebo ampe harus ingetin lewat friendster...anyway..hallo everybody...Pada sibuk semua ya vjyes?...kebo and jane lg UAS...ebi lg ngapain ni?..kl g skr ini masi libur si, senen bsk baru g libur malah lebih sibuk dr pada sekolah soalnya skr ada MO (mini olympic)...ini tuh event plg gede buat anak2 indo di seattle..soalnya ini acara olympic antar sekolah and district untuk adu kompetisi dalam sports and supporter contest....
Pas Jumat lalu ini tgl 16 itu pas2an opening ceremony...g ikutan dance team...keliatannya dancenya went really well and everybody love it..g udah rekamin kl udah di masukin ke comp g upload ke youtube and g pasang deh di friendster..hehehe..trus pas opening day juga ada supporter contest and g yg in charged buat GRCC....isa diliat dr foto2 di friendster g gmn team GRCC punya semangat...buat supcon(supporter contest) kita adain dance lucu2 pake lagu and yel2 andalan GRCC..hehehe...kita mungkin isa juara this year...soalnya gk kalah ama sekolah2 lain...
Pokoke this month is really busy but also fun...g enjoy bgt deh..
The first week of the month many people graduating and g have a lot of fun ama keluarga army...kita rame2 juga isa have fun and jalan2..trus sibuk ama latian dance and supporter contest...everyday g sibuk..pergi pagi pulang malem..urus ini and itu..
udah kayak having a bazaar everyday..wakaka...tapi walau capek and suara ilang gara2 teriak ijoijo..(warna and yel2 grcc) g tetep hapi bgt....anak2 pada seru semua...pertandingan2 basket, volley, soccer and dodgeball nya juga seru si army hrs ke chig last week buat graduation cece nya and juga buat kumpul2 ama keluarga...tapi ya he will come back soon...
Trus g juga hapi soalnya grades g ternyata not so bad...still can have 3.0 average...hehehe..lucky me...
Tp g pengen si kl isa mau lebih bgs lagi grades nya..try my best deh and aim for the best..hehehe
And also I think I may found my's a 2004 honda accord coupe..(2 pintu)..warna putih...interior leather warna krem and wooden interior jua...udah full options with all the sunroof and happy si..I also got a good deal...bole beli dr temen g si..setelah tawar menawar dr yg tadinya 20,000 isa dapet 17,000...seneng deh...I just need to put a remote buat starter mobilnya dr alarm waktu winter g isa nyalain mesin dulu dr apart so pas masuk gk dingin..hehehe..(manja bgt ya..hehe)...
Benner2 God's blessing si...i never imagine kl ortu mau beliin g honda accord was just incredable...praise the Lord..hehehe.....trus g jua makes more friends...and hopefully my last wish is only to get a good job...moga2 pas summer isa kerja and sekolah..hehehe..oh iya g mungkin bakal pindah apart si..I'm looking a new apart yg lebih bedroom and one bathroom and hopefully a kitchen and living room with a cheaper price but further away from downtown..gpp si since i have a car..but i really want to have a bigger apart so waktu prtu g dateng isa nginep di apart g..kl yg sekarang ini kan cuman studio...
Oh iya kl g plg indo g bakal tetep kerja si yg presentasi di hotel buat GRCC..(boss g hire g lagi) and ternyata g juga di hire ama company agency gitu dr singapure yg willing to pay for my accomodation and all buat g ke singapure and gives presentation..I really hope i can do dat si...Oh my God..dat's all are just a great blessing from GOD..thank u so much Father Lord...
This summer everything really went great...g bener2 ngerasa blessed bgt...I just hope my bro can passed all his exams and enter Monash University and hope my parent also can have a great life and a happy life also..hope they can have a long and great holiday..they deserved it..since bokap g jua yg gk pernah liburan...and i hope army can get a good job dat he likes and i hope his bussiness (die export import barang dr cina) will goes well...I also hope dat everybody can have a good grades ya...specially buat kebo and jane..gambate girls....buat ebi...cia you jua...don't let ur heart miserable all the time..hope u have a great time with ur family ya..and congrats ya buat rumah barunya...buat bihen..oh girl..where are u? i pray dat u just fine...i pray dat u will never forget us ya..we always be with u honey..take care u all...warm hug and u all...GBU all...u all are always in my prayer...muah..
ps: kayaknya g bakal tulis di plat nomor mobil g "YF"'s my first car si jdnya norak..hehehe
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