Friday, February 26, 2010

My Confession

Hi my VJYES people!!!

How is everybody??
Walau gw tau ada BBM tetep aj pengen nulis blog supaya blog kita anyhow berjalan lagi..ehheh
I just miss writing panjang lebar instead of type kecil2 dr BB

Anyway..i hope kebo is feeling better...untung bgt kebo it's just a tyroid thing..
Praise the Lord for that and untung juga u only eat medication for 1,5 years instead of the rest of your life...God is good and kind...praise the Lord deh

Trus gw skr last week of work..tomorrow will be my last day of work..
Man..couldnt believe the day has come..heheheh
Walau gw lumayan struggling juga in the past couple of weeks, but skr gw udah finally find peace and happiness in heart buat forgood..

Tentu saja gw bakalan nangis bombai waktu meninggalkan Seattle since udah my home for 6 years and 4 months..
and I thanked God bgt for all that..the fact gw isa miss Seattle speaks really loud about my how im very enjoying my years here..
great friends, families, ministries, experiences, works and many more.
it has shaped me to be who i am right now which i know a lot better than me before

overall, right now excited buat pulang indo and getting ready buat di hantam habis2an ama indo
i live for a purpose and im going back to indo for that purpose also

emang gw bakalan teruji utk bikin bisnis dkk..but i believe if God is with me, who can go againts me? ehhehehe....surrender heart wont come near me...hopeless wont affect me...and sorrow and dissapointment will just make me stronger...AMINNNNNNN

Walau semua pada bilang ke gw "yen, lu skr mungkin masi isa ngomong begini, kalo di indo mungkin lain cerita lagi"....gara2 ini omongan gw super ketakurtan beebrapa minggu lalu mau plg indo...gila bgt deh..
I am so scared kalo gw beneran bakalan kalah and mengalah ama semua halangan and godaan di super takut karena semua org and fakta2 membuktikan seperti itu
akhirnya last week...before and after my vegas week, gw found strength and corrage form God

gw sebelum ke vegas, praying so hard supaya temen2 gw gk ngajak gw party crazy and supaya gw gk mabok..akhirnya i did party like crazy and ampe mabok..emang was so much fun...
Tapi one think dat i know is that after all that, gw gk ad feeling pengen do it again and gw masi inget Tuhan and God still protect me in anyway possible..
padahal gw peginya ama ank2 yg gk kenal Tuhan bgt and yg bener2 expert in partying and minum 2 gelas vodca udah pusing..temen2 gw yg 2 cewek itu minum 4 gelas vodca and tequila and 2 shots of some alcohol yg gw gk tau namanya apaan....and they still find...gk mabok and gk even pusing..hebat deh

anyway....istilahnya gw udah coba madu nya dosa and i am still the old me..thanked God
and itu kasi gw PD dikit in my faith in God..

But one thing that i need help form u guys, please SLAP MY FACE, WAKE AND SHAKE ME UP if gw ampe loose faith...
If gw sampe give up...please WAKE ME UP..remind me again about GOD and my purpose

I think 2 or more is always better than i need u girls punya support ni say
soalnya i know dat i am still a human and pasti can slip from God

And with that pengen share like i never share before about my spiritual life ni what is my purpose di indo and my plan
So if anyhow gw slip away from it, u guys will know and once again REMIND me ab0ut my purpose..heheheh

Dari 2 years ago when I read the book "Purpose Drive Life", gw tuh jadi understand about my cut the long story short, gw akhirnya realize kalo my life purpose itu to touch children and teenagers punya life..

Trus sebelum gw plg indo pas dec pray and ask God, kalo beneran Tuhan pengen gw buat di indo, please reveal a ministry buat gw..trus gk sengaja di ajak Jane ke Roemah hati
pas gw kesana, gw udah doa ni, kalo misalkan gw gk gitu suka berarti gw bakalan berusaha stay di amrik and ambil greencard...kalo gw ternyata have the heart for it, then it will be my ministry

eh pas gw kesana, gw maybe gk gitu connect ama anak2 yg TK tp ama yg SMP gw connect was really sad that they dont know a brighter future..
So yah to cut the long story short kahirnya decided kalo gw pulang indo, gw pengen bgt pelayanan ke young adult and teenagers...
selama ini gw banyak liat yg brothers banyak yg pelayanan ke anak2 tp not the sisters

I know it will be hard..traffict lah...tempat lah etc...
But i will do and pray supaya dapet jalan keluarnya..
walau di indo udah pada talk about emansipasi..cuman actionsnya masi kurang
people getting married because they "HAVE TO" not because they "WANT TO"
women works also because they "HAVE TO" not because they "WANT TO"
soaolnya dari kecil aja anak2 yg cewek dont aim for the best..

anyway...dats my heart for indo si
I want to do different malah suka kalo gw sampe konfront orang
misalnya kasus Roemah Hati yg di Konfront ama org Islam
soalnya karena kita di konfront itu lah bukti kalo ministry kita do bring impact
so kalo gw sampe digituin, i think i will be more all people yg enggak kenal Tuhan and yg enggak suka ama perubahan...please konfront ama gw...heheheh...the bigger the better biar more people will heard about it..

gw pengen bgt si make a different..walau seems hard or impossible to change the world..
But i want to try...if u guys want to join me..yuk2..lets do it together..heheheh

so kalo gw sampe slip from doing what i'm suppose to do.u guys know what to do right? hehehehhe

btw..another thing dat happen is that padahal this is my last week of work..but gw malah dapet informal interview ama starbucks..wakakkakakak
awalnya gw udah mau say no..soalnya it is just another obstical to doing what i want to do di indo..but my pendeta suruh gw tetep try it first...
so yah kalo sampe di offer kerjaannya (which i hope enggak dapet), berarti all this time, my decision and my plan is not God's plan...kalo gw ampe dapet. ya ud deh berarti Tuhan mau gw stay di gw bakalan awalnya very dissapointed to myself soalnya gw salah denger hati and purpose Tuhan...
Tapi kalo sampe gw gk dapet offernya..berarti what my decision and my plan is what God's plan and gw bakalan tampah pede and sure about going back home..hehehehheh
interviewnya tomorrow gw update lg yah next week on how it goes..

other than udah ngepak barang2...blon selesai sih since gw barangnya super banyak
cuman gw ampe ada 1 koper penuh baju2 yg mau gw sumbangin..gila abis de
trus banyak buku2 yg gw kasi ke library disini and juga furniture
paling yg bakalan gw jual cuman mobil si..ehheheheh
next week gw udah bakalan mulai jual mobil since gw udah gk kerja..

gw rencana keluar dr amrik April 4th and gw kalo isa keburu minta visa korea, bakalan ke korea dulu for 1 week sendiri trus baru ketemu my mom di hongkong trus jalan2 deh ke guangzhou, shanghai, beijing gitu...

so sampe plg indo may awal ato april akhir..kita blon beli tiket soalnya

yah kayaknya gitu doank si update from me..
cant wait to help jane in her wedding...
lets do bachelor party or bridal shower ke bali..hehehhehehehe
kebo maybe next year ya? excited...
gw udah prepare dresses dari amrik..wkakakak
kapan ari gw beli 1 dress y udah discount 80% man!!!!
long dress sih cuman yah buat ancang2 aja..hehehehe
i might hunt for more dresses..ehhehehehe

lu udah tau ne wd lu theme colornya apaan? so gw isa cari dari sini
gw udh ada warna item, purple, gold and pink sih
gila yg married elu kok yg centil gw ya? wkakakakaka..
eh gw diajarin make up loh ama temen gw yg make up artis..
so girls kalo mau nitip make up apapun..nitip skr ya


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