respond to kebo
aloo bo...hmm..I just read ur blog and g jd terdorong untuk lgs reply ur blog...Well...I believe it's hard...I've been there before..ya I know maybe I can not cheer u or encourage u with just words from blog but I hope when u read this, u will think out side the box..
G ngerti si perasaan lu...I think ya bo yg g belajar from the hard way tuh kl hidup memang pasti ada saat2nya yg lu sedih and hancur bgt..nah itu semua terjadi soalnya Tuhan kita itu adil..kl kita gk tau rasanya pahit, gk mungkin kiita isa menghargain manis...Trus g percaya bgt kl Tuhan pasti menguji kita sesuai dengan kemampuan kita...
Sekarang lu di uji ama Tuhan tuh soalnya lu lg dibentuk karakternya..
Mungkin lu sama kl ya ama g..g jua sering bgt dikecewain di Amrik...ampe g tuh sebel ama Tuhan napa hidup g gk sebahagia di ternyata g br sadar, kl Tuhan tuh mau g belajar, kl g tuh gk boleh tergantung ama org lain utk menentukan kebahagiaan and hidup g...I only can depend on God and I believe u also can only depend on God..
Last week g br dibilangin ni ama ci ancxella...kata die tuh: " semua org di dunia isa buat lu kecewa, temen deket kek, pacar kek, ortu kek..pokoke semua tuh isa broke ur heart..they can broke ur heart because u allowed them to do that...but u know dat God is the only one yg isa loyal to us, kasihnya gk pernah up and down..always up and gk mungkin die isa kecewain kita..nah trus napa kita masih mau depend ama yg lain? padahal we know that there is only one God that will never fail us when others can.." dl pernah dikecewain ama nia and skr ama co lu kan? I believe u learn something good from it..not dat u can not trust anyone and love anyone...
Tapi Tuhan ada rencana yg luar biasa melebihi rencana lu...buktinya ni ya, waktu elu udah di kecewain ama nia and u think kl lu gk bakal isa dapet temen deket lg forever..buktinya skr lu malah punya gk cuman satu, tp 4 temen deket kan? yg lebih deket dr pd yg pernah lu bayangin..or u even have more than 4 best friends now rite?..nah mungkin ni ya, Tuhan punya rencana yg lebih lg..
G kapan ari pas hampir putus jua mikirnya kayak gitu si..akhirnya g isa berani bilang ke army kl g gk takut kl die mau putus pun...soalnya I know kl putus tuh pasti isa dikasi Tuhan yg lebih tp mungkin rencana Tuhan tuh ya mungkin memang g ama army..cuman skr g and army tuh istilahnya udah tobat and punya relationship yg lebih intim lg with our realtionship also has grown as we grown our relationship with God..
Pokoke apappun keputusan yg udah lu ambil and terjadi itu adalah yg terbaik..even skr lu pikir menyesal, cuman itu tuh beneran yg terbaik bo...
Yg penting now, u have to be stronger and live on...
U are still lucky and blessed u know...u still have parents with u, have ur family, have ur talent, ur college, ur maney and alll the foods, ur house, ur health and u still have ur memory.
If u still love him, it's good, but do u love ur self better than u love him? because how can u love him if u don't ur self?..and if u love ur self, then u have to move on and don't stay in the dark..ur are like a sun flower u know..u make other people happy and laugh, but sun flower has to find her own sun t stay a life..and ur sun is not the person who just give u water for a while, but the sun is the one that will always stay above ur heard and will never fall down or die..rite?
Find back ur happiness ya..I know it's not disapear or gone or just hiding somewhere in ur heart and mind...u just need to find it...
I hope dat I can be with u through all these...but as everybody know, we need to be mature by facing it by our self..
So be brave ya bo...
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