Monday, March 12, 2007


g lg sibuk2nya skripsi, masi br tahap awal hehe
waah, kasian bgt temen lo yen..
ya hope God blessed him..
tp menurut g yen, maybe God has another plan for him..
maybe God's hand would reach him by the doctor's hand..
so please dont give up on things, but release it as time..
if he needs kemo or stuff, please courage him to do it well..
n by the time,,all the ones pray for him..
after that we just give it on God..

Btw lo da mau balik ni yee.. yen..hahahaha
asik bgt ne, g pasti usahain sebisa mungkin spend time for u
ngomong2 si ebi kog da lama ga ada kabar ya???
ebi awas lo ye kl absen blog kelamaan!!!!
bihen jg ne..jangan wkt balik indo aja dung ks kabarnya..
kan kite2 seneng bgt bs ngumpul di blog bisa beda benua..
so please kasi kabar ya, kl lo buka blog..

waah thank u yaa blog kita da diubah hehehe
keren kog..
ud dl yaa, g musti kejer wkt ne..
g musti survey muluu hehe
take care ya all..
see u soon yen :P