Saturday, May 19, 2007


iyee ne g lg pusink bgt ma skripsi g!!
huhu kemaren br sidang n hasilnya rada jelek giituu..hix
g dikerumunin 4 dosen n mrk cecer2in g mulu..
huhu n ktnya elemen grafis yg g pake masih ga sesuai hiks
jd well guys g lg uring2an ngejer dosen ke kampus n ribet diruma kerjain huah..
waah congrats buat ebi yg da mau graduate!!!
ne anak plng kecil tp plng cpt lulus jane? hahahaha mahap2 maklum lg strezz..
wah ne auntie lo kacian bgt yaa g bantu doa deh serahin smuanya ke Tuhan congrats jg buat magangnya yeni!!!
moga2 lo dpt banyak pengalaman disana!!
n buat jane cepet2 ngejer topik skripsi deh hehehe
ok tata...

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Yeni...May testi

Hi all..Udah lama gk isi blog..gmn kabar semuanya? I know ebi udah mau lulus bulan ini..Jane how's your ii? I will keep on praying for her..Trus kebo jua masi sibuk kuliah? Wow..gk kerasa udah pada mau lulus..after that work life is coming..some of us maybe udah masuk ke dunia kerja..but for me, it's kinda new..I can only pray for all of you..I hope prayer can substitute my absent in your life..miss u all a lot..oh iya bi..I'm gonna try my best to come to your Graduation day..I think I need to be at least one of VJYES member can witness your big day..hehhe..Oh iya btw, I got an intern for this summer..bener2 berkat Tuhan bgt soalnya isa tiba2 dapetnya..I'll share the story some other time...well, I'm actually got 2 interns for summer...they all great, that's why it's hard to decide which one to take..G bener2 di blessed bgt deh..sometimes g mikir, why God love me so much that He gave all of this blessing while I'm not such an obedience disciple..That's why, lately, I've been dedicating as much time as I can to really serve Him..walau masi aj g jatuh dalam godaan dosa sebagai manusia..tapi g bakal tetep bangkit lg walau g jatuh..I hope God won't get tired in helping me..hehhe..=p..but I believe He is a Great GOd rite?...He love us so much that He sacrificed His own Son..Ya I just want to share this a lil bit and keep encouraging to all of you guys to have faith..Hold onto His promises..Be faithful in serving Him..Thank Him in good and bad time..Glorify His name only in everything we do..I'm saying all this for me 2 and for u all..bener2 pengen cepet2 pulang..hehhe..gamabate ya all...keep fighting...I love each one of u because all of u are special and gifted..GBU all