My Confession
Hi my VJYES people!!!
How is everybody??
Walau gw tau ada BBM tetep aj pengen nulis blog supaya blog kita anyhow berjalan lagi..ehheh
I just miss writing panjang lebar instead of type kecil2 dr BB
Anyway..i hope kebo is feeling better...untung bgt kebo it's just a tyroid thing..
Praise the Lord for that and untung juga u only eat medication for 1,5 years instead of the rest of your life...God is good and kind...praise the Lord deh
Trus gw skr last week of work..tomorrow will be my last day of work..
Man..couldnt believe the day has come..heheheh
Walau gw lumayan struggling juga in the past couple of weeks, but skr gw udah finally find peace and happiness in heart buat forgood..
Tentu saja gw bakalan nangis bombai waktu meninggalkan Seattle since udah my home for 6 years and 4 months..
and I thanked God bgt for all that..the fact gw isa miss Seattle speaks really loud about my how im very enjoying my years here..
great friends, families, ministries, experiences, works and many more.
it has shaped me to be who i am right now which i know a lot better than me before
overall, right now excited buat pulang indo and getting ready buat di hantam habis2an ama indo
i live for a purpose and im going back to indo for that purpose also
emang gw bakalan teruji utk bikin bisnis dkk..but i believe if God is with me, who can go againts me? ehhehehe....surrender heart wont come near me...hopeless wont affect me...and sorrow and dissapointment will just make me stronger...AMINNNNNNN
Walau semua pada bilang ke gw "yen, lu skr mungkin masi isa ngomong begini, kalo di indo mungkin lain cerita lagi"....gara2 ini omongan gw super ketakurtan beebrapa minggu lalu mau plg indo...gila bgt deh..
I am so scared kalo gw beneran bakalan kalah and mengalah ama semua halangan and godaan di super takut karena semua org and fakta2 membuktikan seperti itu
akhirnya last week...before and after my vegas week, gw found strength and corrage form God
gw sebelum ke vegas, praying so hard supaya temen2 gw gk ngajak gw party crazy and supaya gw gk mabok..akhirnya i did party like crazy and ampe mabok..emang was so much fun...
Tapi one think dat i know is that after all that, gw gk ad feeling pengen do it again and gw masi inget Tuhan and God still protect me in anyway possible..
padahal gw peginya ama ank2 yg gk kenal Tuhan bgt and yg bener2 expert in partying and minum 2 gelas vodca udah pusing..temen2 gw yg 2 cewek itu minum 4 gelas vodca and tequila and 2 shots of some alcohol yg gw gk tau namanya apaan....and they still find...gk mabok and gk even pusing..hebat deh
anyway....istilahnya gw udah coba madu nya dosa and i am still the old me..thanked God
and itu kasi gw PD dikit in my faith in God..
But one thing that i need help form u guys, please SLAP MY FACE, WAKE AND SHAKE ME UP if gw ampe loose faith...
If gw sampe give up...please WAKE ME UP..remind me again about GOD and my purpose
I think 2 or more is always better than i need u girls punya support ni say
soalnya i know dat i am still a human and pasti can slip from God
And with that pengen share like i never share before about my spiritual life ni what is my purpose di indo and my plan
So if anyhow gw slip away from it, u guys will know and once again REMIND me ab0ut my purpose..heheheh
Dari 2 years ago when I read the book "Purpose Drive Life", gw tuh jadi understand about my cut the long story short, gw akhirnya realize kalo my life purpose itu to touch children and teenagers punya life..
Trus sebelum gw plg indo pas dec pray and ask God, kalo beneran Tuhan pengen gw buat di indo, please reveal a ministry buat gw..trus gk sengaja di ajak Jane ke Roemah hati
pas gw kesana, gw udah doa ni, kalo misalkan gw gk gitu suka berarti gw bakalan berusaha stay di amrik and ambil greencard...kalo gw ternyata have the heart for it, then it will be my ministry
eh pas gw kesana, gw maybe gk gitu connect ama anak2 yg TK tp ama yg SMP gw connect was really sad that they dont know a brighter future..
So yah to cut the long story short kahirnya decided kalo gw pulang indo, gw pengen bgt pelayanan ke young adult and teenagers...
selama ini gw banyak liat yg brothers banyak yg pelayanan ke anak2 tp not the sisters
I know it will be hard..traffict lah...tempat lah etc...
But i will do and pray supaya dapet jalan keluarnya..
walau di indo udah pada talk about emansipasi..cuman actionsnya masi kurang
people getting married because they "HAVE TO" not because they "WANT TO"
women works also because they "HAVE TO" not because they "WANT TO"
soaolnya dari kecil aja anak2 yg cewek dont aim for the best..
anyway...dats my heart for indo si
I want to do different malah suka kalo gw sampe konfront orang
misalnya kasus Roemah Hati yg di Konfront ama org Islam
soalnya karena kita di konfront itu lah bukti kalo ministry kita do bring impact
so kalo gw sampe digituin, i think i will be more all people yg enggak kenal Tuhan and yg enggak suka ama perubahan...please konfront ama gw...heheheh...the bigger the better biar more people will heard about it..
gw pengen bgt si make a different..walau seems hard or impossible to change the world..
But i want to try...if u guys want to join me..yuk2..lets do it together..heheheh
so kalo gw sampe slip from doing what i'm suppose to do.u guys know what to do right? hehehehhe
btw..another thing dat happen is that padahal this is my last week of work..but gw malah dapet informal interview ama starbucks..wakakkakakak
awalnya gw udah mau say no..soalnya it is just another obstical to doing what i want to do di indo..but my pendeta suruh gw tetep try it first...
so yah kalo sampe di offer kerjaannya (which i hope enggak dapet), berarti all this time, my decision and my plan is not God's plan...kalo gw ampe dapet. ya ud deh berarti Tuhan mau gw stay di gw bakalan awalnya very dissapointed to myself soalnya gw salah denger hati and purpose Tuhan...
Tapi kalo sampe gw gk dapet offernya..berarti what my decision and my plan is what God's plan and gw bakalan tampah pede and sure about going back home..hehehehheh
interviewnya tomorrow gw update lg yah next week on how it goes..
other than udah ngepak barang2...blon selesai sih since gw barangnya super banyak
cuman gw ampe ada 1 koper penuh baju2 yg mau gw sumbangin..gila abis de
trus banyak buku2 yg gw kasi ke library disini and juga furniture
paling yg bakalan gw jual cuman mobil si..ehheheheh
next week gw udah bakalan mulai jual mobil since gw udah gk kerja..
gw rencana keluar dr amrik April 4th and gw kalo isa keburu minta visa korea, bakalan ke korea dulu for 1 week sendiri trus baru ketemu my mom di hongkong trus jalan2 deh ke guangzhou, shanghai, beijing gitu...
so sampe plg indo may awal ato april akhir..kita blon beli tiket soalnya
yah kayaknya gitu doank si update from me..
cant wait to help jane in her wedding...
lets do bachelor party or bridal shower ke bali..hehehhehehehe
kebo maybe next year ya? excited...
gw udah prepare dresses dari amrik..wkakakak
kapan ari gw beli 1 dress y udah discount 80% man!!!!
long dress sih cuman yah buat ancang2 aja..hehehehe
i might hunt for more dresses..ehhehehehe
lu udah tau ne wd lu theme colornya apaan? so gw isa cari dari sini
gw udh ada warna item, purple, gold and pink sih
gila yg married elu kok yg centil gw ya? wkakakakaka..
eh gw diajarin make up loh ama temen gw yg make up artis..
so girls kalo mau nitip make up apapun..nitip skr ya
kebo curhat lagi akhirnya..^__^
hi, semuanyaaaaaaaa :P
sori g ud lama ga isi blog, bis baru2 ini g ga ada berita2 yg seru hehee
tp skg g ada berita seru ahhahahahhaa
g mulai cari2 lamaran kerja seminggu, ngelamar2 lewat email
minggu kedua mulai dipanggil2, akhirnya ini minggu kedua diterima hehehe
di anak perusahaan teh sosro, jd g bakalan nanganin semua keperluan byk brand sekaligus
karna dia nanganin teh tong jie, teh cap botol, dll byk deh teh2 an semuanya hehehe
kantornya pas disebelahnya mall artha gading, hehe jane hrsnya tau hehe gedung kantoran gitu bhkan ada seragamnya untung celana bukan rok ahhahahhaa
pdhl awalnya g kecil hati, ga bakalan kerja disana soalnya ada tes design gitu..
n g ga pede..soalnya wktnya ga cukup bgt g ga kelar bahkan...n Brand Manager (BM)nya itu kan ngawasin mulu pas g kerja
bikin tamba grogi apalagi die jg blng kog ga kelar2, dll ahha bikin namba kecut aja
tp ternyata g diterima, bahkan wawancara kedua g, ada 2 org(BM) ma HRD mrk blng sesudah wawancara n g diterima itu kl g tuh kelakuannya enak bgt diajak bicara..waaaaaah bersyukur bgt deh hahahha
jd bulan dpn lgnsg kerja disana deh 6 bulan masa percobaan, bis itu presentasi untuk unjuk gigi kl bagus bs kenaikan gaji n mulai kerja permanent karyawan disana
gaji sih lumayan bgt naik byk dr yg sebelumnya hehehe skg gajinya 3.5 hehe
rata2 tmn2 g skg gajinya antara 2.5-3 ahhahhahaa luamyan lah
tunjangannya byk cuuui, lumayan lah ampe anak g tar dibatis jg ada tunjangannya hehehhee
hehhehee gmn kabar loe org semua?
baik2 aja kan semua?
Sept update
Halo semuanya VJYES..
a little update dr gw..
Well let's start with social life..hehehe
Gw br dapet kabar katanya si Sera bakalan balik indo for good kl blon dapet kerjaan for the next 3 weeks..gila bgts deh..hiks..kl ampe terjadi..there u go my other bestfriend..ud beneran tinggal sisa gw and mei2...OMG deh..I cant believe it..everybody is leaving...
Gw skr lg coba cari temen lg sih..kemaren malem gw ikutan CG uni trus dapet deh temen2 yg lagi mendekatkan diri ke temen gw namanya Eva..dia orgnya lumayan cocok ama gw..a good listener trus juga ngomong kayaknya cocok aj..
But still..Miss u guys so much..hiks..
Btw bsk malem ortu gw sampe ke sini...yah ud lah..seminggu off kerja dulu gw..akhirnya jalan2 ke Newyork juga..hehhe...sayangnya si aan gk isa ikut soalnya ad school...
Oh iy be honest ni lg suka ama satu cowok..allalaa...
Well..sebenernya gw ud kayak admire ke dia dr dulu gw di seattle sih..
Gw suka soalnya tuh dia berkharisma bgt...wakaka..a strong leader gitu..
Yah trus dia tuh yah isa dibilang one of the leader di church gw gitu...namanya keith steven mulyadi..kl penasaran lgs aj deh cari di Facebook or friendster..wakka
But dia itu cakep and banyak yg suka...banyak bgt ampe gw rada2 kebanting abis gitu
Soalnya dia tuh ud the most eligible bachelor gitu...ud leadershipnya kuat bgt...
Faithnya yah secara ud jd leader di gereja gitu loh..trus have a great career (kerja di top finance company) trus cakep and tinggi..
Sebenernya boleh dibilang cowok idaman bgt..cuman it is too good to be true deh kl gw isa ama dia..wakakka..
gila gw isa cerita2 kayak gini memalukan gk si? kayak back to anak highschool aj..hhe
Cuman gw always pray ke Tuhan kl emang dia bukan the one supaya jalan2nya lgs ditutup aj..
Gw gk mau lg deh not obeying God and end up hurting my self even more..
Right now, I do like him..but kayak acting cool gitu..and secara gw gk satu caregroup and churchnya juga pisah (dia di north and gw di grcc), jdnya gk ad kesempatan to know each other..
Trus gw rada ngerasa kl character kita gk cocok...soalnya dia ngelead and so do I
Trus dia demen ngomong and do I..
Kayaknya sifatnya some what similar...jdnya bakalan bentrok..
But for now..lumayan lah di gereja ad pemandangan bgs..wakkak..
Ternyata gw ud over army ya..wakakaka...I'm abit surprise also sih.
But I'm not ready yet to start a new relationship..walau jujurnya emang pengen bgt sih punya somebody to talk to and that can support me..cuman for now, let's try it with Eva dulu sebagai tempat curhat and support..hehehe...
Trus for work..well..last week ini company gw shut down for 1 emang masih tetep kerja..cuman buruh2nya di liburkan tanpa bayaran for 1 week..serem bgt sih..kayaknya senen ini gw masuk kerja pasti bakalan ad meeting gede and bakalan banyak yg dipecat lagi..Gw skr sih ud tunggu pasrah aj deh ya..mau gmn lagi..soalnya gw gk isa do anything..I'll just wait for the ball to drop deh...trus baru bikin plan after maybe I'm going home to indo next year..hehehhehe.....
We'll see...anyway..right now..emang sih jujurnya gw uda betah bgt tinggal di amrik..ud gk kebayang kl gw balik indo..well..even walau gw hrs cabut dr amrik pun gw mungkin gk bakal cari ekrja di indo sih ya...pasti nyasar2 ke ausi or singapure...
Soalnya gw di indo juga mau ngapain pula gitu..mau bantuin ortu sih bisa cuman juga susah mau rubah system ortu yg ud berjalan 20an tahun..
Jadinya skr I just do my best lah to do everything..
Gw masih bingung about Caregroup cuman last night I just learn something about Obeying God..
And what I got about Obeying God is that walaupun gw gk suka or ngerasa hurt to do something...I will have to do it if that is what God wants for me to do..
Jdnya the first step right now is to know and understand what God wants...
Kayaknya gitu deh update dr gw..hehehe..cant wait to hear from u guys...
take care all..GBU ya
karya kebo
wow glad to hear your news!
so goooood for ur career there..
hahhahaha but me and jane, really hope ur back to here soon..
well i guess thats come impossible, hahahaaaaa
fine, yg penting lo disana dihargai n bs berbuat yg terbaik buat hidup lo d hahahhaa
bagus2 moga2 kita bs semua sukses d hehehe
hm..bagus jg tuh ide lo yen, masukin foto hahhaha masukin foto buat g jg dung hahhaha
email lo apa? tar g upload kesana d hehhe biar masing2 kita bs saling tau kerjaan masing2
biar seru ajah hahhahaha
terakhir g ada chat ma ebi, cm seperti biasa ga ada info apa2 dr dia,
dia cm bilang lg bete gr2 adenya muntah n dia musti bersiin, ga rela d dia bersihin pdhal pas g
tanya2 eh ternyata pas dia sendiri muntah, toh adenya jg tu yg bersiin buuusyeeeet
ebiiii ebiiii balas budi ajah pake ga rela segala huaaaah kapan dewasanyaaaaa atuh hahahhaha
hm about me..
g pengen pindah kerjaaaa, soalnya mulai ngerasa jerih payah n karya2 g ga sebanding dgn gajinyaaaa
hiks hiks..masa itung2 gaji g sebulan cm 2.5-3 itu kl ada project2 gede n g dpt bonuus malesss bgt
d hahhaha jd well maybe next year g planning mau cabuuut hahhaa yah itung2 ningkatin pengalaman
ajah d heheheeee..soalnya disini lembur jg ga dibayar hiks..mana ko tommy (art director g), gara2
liat design g mulu yg kepilih client, die jd maless n jdnya kerjaan g numpuk secara dia ga mau
kerja jdnya cm nyuruh2 g ajah busyeeeeeet..pdhal dulunya tiap kali ajuin design dia n budi (sesama
rekan kerja) pasti kasi alternatif design jg. skg seringnya g mulu yg kerja, budi jg gara2 jarang
kepilih client, si tommy jd males kasi die tanggung jwb lg. n jdnya kembali d semuanya mengandalkan
g MALESSS BGT hehhe ne skg g nunggu ajah sabar2in sampe genap setahun g kerja, supaya tar wkt
ngelamar2 setidaknya g punya pengalaman 1 tahun hahahhahaaaaaa
doai g yah biar bs sabarrrr hehehe..soalnya prinsip g sebenernya sederhana, g seneng n puas kl
karya g bs dipilih n dipake ma client secara g anak seni d hehhehehe g sebenernya ga pentingin
uang, cm kadang2 berasa jg tuh kl dipikir2..g ga mau ambisi g sampe disitu ajah, g mau sukses sbg
anak seni, jg uangnya lumayan... ga d kl ga seimbang..hahahha jdnya g ngersa ga dihargai jg ma
kantor g tuu hiks hiks..g ga muluk2 d yg yaaa paling g berharap nanti bs dpt gaji min 3jt, tp
lembur dibayar d n kl bs ada asuransinya..huaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
hm..g ma chis masi baik2 ajah hehe si Jane tuu, yen lo bujukin die jg dung supaya merit!! kasian
ayroon ud kering nunggunya lgan hub mrk ud disetujui kog...hahahaha
y dah inget kasi tau email lo supaya g bs bagi2 dikit karya g yaaaaaa
bye2 take care ya
Triplek talking ni
Halo teman2 ku tercinta...
I wish u guys are all doing great now...
There is something dat I need to share ni..
As I explained in my previous blog that I'm back..
I'm excited soalnya isa happy lagi and open up my heart...
But one thing yg gw sadar tuh kalo ternyata gw orgnya keras juga..hehe...
Soalnya I realize that my value of my life is being true to my self..
Kayak lu org tau dari dulu tuh kan mana pernah gw jaim gitu..
Kalo gw marah, kesel, benci, seneng, dan sedih pasti gw show semuanya kan?
I know in my heart kalo mau gw gimana juga gw gak takut bakalan kayak kehilangan lu org gara2 gw express my heart and emotions..
Bukan gara2 I'm taking advantage of the fact that lu org baek banget but because I believe that our friendship is more than all that..Soalnya lu org understand me and can see through all of that..
Trus right now when I realize that.. ya gw tetep jd the old me
gw tetep value true to my self more than anything...
Person that I hate is a hypocrite..
Trus gw ya as being me yg selalu brave aj..pokoke tetep being true to my self..
Gw gk coba untuk pura2 baek di depan org padahal dalemnya busuk..
Gw gk takut to show my mistakes...
Tapi ternyata org2 lebih banyak yg berpura2nya dr pada jujurnya
Pura2 baek..pura2 memaafkan..pura2 senyum...pura2 lembut..tapi bohong semua..
Trus gw malah skr disuruh ikutan pura2 juga..
OMG deh..
To bad, but I'm not going to be like that..
gw gk even going to apologize for being true to my self..
Yah yg lebih lengkapnya si baca blog pribadi gw..
But what do u guys think ya?
My dream nih ya for all people that I know and I love
untuk gk pretend in front of me..
gw cuman mau people be true to them self..
jdnya ya kl temenan gw beneran terima lu apaadanya..
gw suka ama lu pas lu all great, baek, sabar, etc..
tp pas lu jd jahat, galak, marah, benci, etc juga gw masi sayang..
soalnya I already love u of who u are..
Jadinya we can all shows our mistakes and be learn and correct each others..
Gw tau lah gk semua org isa naturally kayak gini..
Mungkin emang character gw yg strong...
But at least I just want my friend to be who they truly are when they are with me..
Soalnya kl gw ud gk isa terima sifat jeleknya ya gw ud basically not trying to be friend with..
cuman kl ud jd temen gw ya gw ud terima aj apa adanya..
I might try to change you into a better person but I also expect you to do the same for me..
Gak tau skr lg terjepit ni dengan lingkungan gw yg ud comfy with kemunafikan..
Br sadar juga gw skr..
Btw friends...talking about good things now..
Kalo lu org gk ad kerjaan...coba deh ntn reality show called " We Got married" di
Ini reality show tentang artis2 korea yg di suruh married boongan and di match up and tinggal brg for 2 days in a week...
So cute deh....I'm loving this show right now...
Trus besides juga lagi suka artis korea yg namanya Se7en..
Awalnya sih gw gk suka...gk gitu cakep and pretty boy type gitu...
Tapi pas gw liat dance dia pas dia show live di Mtv Newyork and di Japan concert pas dia nyanyi lagu judulnya " I know"...lgs deh jatuh cinta abis...wakakak..
So far cuman ad 2 lagu yg gw suka bgt...yg satu judulnya " I know" and the other one judulnya"lalala"
Suaranya ternyata not bad..soalnya ud prepare and latian vocal and dance for 4 it shows kl dia emang ud blj vocal..
tapi yg bikin leleh tuh dancenya yg keren lg belaja2 ni dancenya..wakaka..
Cuman kayaknya susah bgt si..hehe
Trus gw skr ya lg sibuk kerja si..cuman I need to tell u guys an exciting things ni...
I'm not saying it buat show off but just want to share my happiness....
Jgn cerita2 ya...yg tau cuman my bro and my parents..
Yah ceritanya ni kan gw selama ini ud kerja tuh 50an hours per week cuman yg dibayar tuh cuman 40 hours doank..jdnya lembur gk dibayar policy..
Trus gw sih awalnya enak2 aj walau lembur..secara jd pelarian gw pas putus gitu..
cuman lama2 gondok juga si..
Tapi ya gw awalnya sabar aj..soalnya juga gw blon dapet visa kerja, jadinya gk berani pindah ke company lain..
Trus ceritanya ni di team project gw (nama project team gw tuh C3PO China Team, soalnya kan project buat new factory di China)
In my team, I'm the only female engineer...cewek2 yg lain tuh bukan engineer...mereka tuh cuman worker biasa doank yg gk ad bachelor degree...
Trus sebelumnya tuh susahnya bukan main gara2 gw gk dianggep gitu..soalnya ud engineer tp cewek and asia pula kan...
Ampe gw awalnya ug give up deh..cuman ya gw doain aj tiap ari and latih kesabaran..
To cut the long story lama2 di anggap juga ama team gw gara2 ideas yg gw kasi itu ternyata berhasil...
Trus last ad one on one meeting with my manager...trus kan sebelum2nya gw sempet tuh ditegur manager gw soal yg kayak take lunch nya kelamaan gitu..
trus gw juga jarang ngomong ama manager gw..soalnya gw emang orgnya anti kissing ass ama boss...trus ya gw jdnya keep it professional...only talk when I have questions kan..
Eh trus last week gw dipanggil ud deg2an pikir gw bakalan dipecat kali ya..trus gw ud doa terus aj..ud deg2an..rasanya tuh kayak dulu kl dipanggil ke aquarium untuk ketemu Made and Miss staney...
Tapi ternyata pas gw dipanggil and talk to my manager...dia malah bilang kayak gini" Yeni, first of all I would like to say thank you personally for all the hard work"...wah gw ud cengo..bengong gw..sejak kapan ad manager say thank you ama bawahannya? yah gw cuman mangguk2 doank and bilang it's ok or your are welcome (bego bgt gk si? dipuji malah bilang you are welcome?)..anyway..trus dia bilang kayak gini lagi" I would also like to let you know that I have a high expectation in you and I would like for you to have more confidence in your self"
Nah gw tambah cengo deh..high expectation? no pressure bgt deh ya...trus be more confidence? emang kurang ya? trus ya gw cuman jawab yes yes doank...trus die bilang gini lagi" You might now know, but I would like to let you know that I even talked to my boss and the company's General Manager that I have high expectation for you and I believe that one day I could even work for you"....cengo gw tetep berkelanjutan and ditambah mulut gw yg menganga tambah gede and mata gw yg tambah belo...dalam hati gw mikir...ini mimpi apa ya? masa bos gw bilang ke atasan dia dan bilang ke GM company gw kl gw bisa jd bos dia oneday? (dia bilang dia bakalan work for me soalnya)...
Gw ud speechless bgt deh...
Ini ud ibarat Miss staney bilang thank you ke gw and bilang ke bu ida kl one day miss staney bakalan kerja buat gw..jdnya gw yg jd atasan miss staney...
Kebayang gk si? gw ampe mikir what have I done?
Kok kayaknya gw gk ngerasa do anything and padahal all of this time gw selalu gk PD soalnya gw cewek engineer sendiri gitu and dr awal ud gk ad yg mau percaya ama ideas gw..
Trus manages gw bilang gini lagi" For our China project, I will entrust this project to you"
Gila aj ya..masa projectnya mau dikasi ke gw..padahal gw masih level 1 and baru kerja less than 1 year...what do I know about making factory di china?...mada ad kenalan...ngomong china aj gk lancar gitu loh...
Gila amat deh..yah either boss gw lg mimpi or salah makan obat...ato gw yg lg mimpi kl ya..
cuman ya pokoke gitu deh friends...jdnya gw skr lg diawan2 ni..hhehehe
Yah gw starting minggu depan bakalan masuk kelas and ambil training to be become consultant..
In about 1 year, I will get my certificate and become consultant..
My dream come true bgt si kl gw isa jd consultant..OMG deh..
I'm so happy, excited and scare at the same time..soalnya kayaknya gw beneran gk PD sih...disni tuh byk bgt yg lebih pinter dr gw..banyak yg GPA nya lebih dr pada gw..
Tapi napa gw yg dipilih ya?..I still couldn't see what my manager see in me...but ya nikmati aj de..sebelum dia berubah pikiran..hehehehe....
Yah kayaknya gitu aj deh....kayaknya sometimes I feel that God's plan is really funny deh..
Kl bukan gara2 Tuhan mau gw putus dr army...gk mungkin gw se keras ini kerja...and gk mungkin gw isa dibilangiin kayak gitu ama manager gw..
Awalnya pas gw lost interest in work..soalnya awalnya gw kerja di Genie because army want to work there....trus cita2 dia tuh buat bikin company kayak genie di indo..
Tapi when I found that work is the best escape for me from my pain..I work double hard..
And ternyata berbuah juga..
yah kayaknya gitu aj sih...for u guys yg mau tau company gw bikin apaan...ini gw ad attach some product yg gw lg work with for my project..heheh...
Thanks for all the support ya guys..
GBU all